Get Rich Free

GET RICH FREE is a feature length film about three friends from Los Angeles that get into some financial troubles and decide that finding a treasure is the best way to solve them.

Shayan served as the Co-Director and Creative Lead for this feature. While discussing the vision for the film with the writer and producer, the team wanted to emphasize the bold statement of the title itself, as it captured much of the story's essence. The film's title 'GET RICH FREE', resembling one of those exaggerated ads that promise lucrative returns for seemingly no work required, served as the perfect platform to create some eye-catching and colorful media.

Each of the story's' three protagonists' unique characteristics can be seen in the different One Sheet iterations. Their mild interactions with the title block hints towards their personalities, giving the posters an additional layer of depth.

The emphasis on colorful and vibrant imagery carries over into the film itself. As the film progresses, the color pallet grows more saturated and vibrant. The situation the protagonists find themselves in, however, turns very dire.

Client Behelith Inc.
Year 04/2015 - 04/2016
Role Design | Direction | Branding | Cinematography | Photography | Editor | Soundtrack



Custom USB merchanidse was created for promotional purposes. The design plays on the theme, having the gold bullion represent the mirage of getting rich free. In addition, the paper overlay has a slight transparency, allowing the USB drive to shine through. The print reads "..a story of three friends discovering how to" and the USB reads "GET RICH FREE" completing the sentence, and giving the premise of the film. The materials were sourced with different vendors, which Shayan coordinated with.